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Please click on the following links to download your free State Bar of California legal pamphlets. PDF documents; requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download).
- What should I know about divorce and custody? English Download
- Can the law help protect me from domestic violence? English Download
- How can I find and hire the right lawyer? English Download
- ¿Qué debo saber sobre el divorcio y la custodia? Español Descargar
- ¿Puede la ley ayudar a protegerme de la violencia doméstica? Español Descargar
- ¿Cómo puedo encontrar y contratar al abogado correcto? Español Descargar
We appreciate being able to help you through whatever your family law matters might entail. Please contact us if we can answer any additional questions for you or to schedule a free initial consultation.