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Divorce is often a complicated and emotionally charged process. When facing the end of a marriage, the complexities can seem overwhelming, especially when specific legal procedures are involved. 

One procedure is a bifurcated divorce, which can help streamline some aspects of divorce while leaving others to be resolved later. If you’re considering a bifurcated divorce in San Diego, understanding the process and knowing your legal options is crucial. This is where a San Diego bifurcated divorce lawyer from Garwood Reeves can be your guiding light.

At Garwood Reeves, our experienced team is dedicated to helping clients navigate the legal intricacies of divorce, including bifurcation. We know every divorce is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your needs. 

Bifurcated Divorce in San Diego

A bifurcated divorce allows a couple to legally terminate their marital status while reserving other issues, such as property division, child custody, and spousal support, for later resolution. 

In other words, the marriage can be legally dissolved, allowing the individuals to remarry if they wish, even though certain aspects of the divorce remain unsettled.

Bifurcation is often pursued when both parties agree it’s in their best interest to move on with their lives separately. 

At the same time, they continue to work out the remaining details of their divorce. In California, bifurcated divorces are governed by Family Code 2337, which outlines the circumstances under which a bifurcated divorce may be granted.

What Are Some Common Reasons For Bifurcating a Divorce

There are several reasons why couples may choose to bifurcate their divorce:

Desire to Remarry: 

One or both parties may wish to remarry before all aspects of the divorce are finalized. Bifurcation allows them to do so legally while other issues are still being negotiated.

Tax Benefits: 

Some individuals may want to change their marital status to take advantage of tax benefits, such as filing as a single individual or head of household.

Emotional Closure: 

For many, being legally divorced provides a sense of closure, even if other matters remain unresolved. This can be especially important for individuals seeking emotional and psychological relief.

Health Insurance Considerations: 

Bifurcation can sometimes preserve health insurance coverage under a spouse’s plan. At the same time, other aspects of the divorce are being resolved.

Business or Financial Reasons: 

Bifurcation can be a strategic move where one party’s business or financial interests may be affected by their marital status.

Pros and Cons of a Bifurcated Divorce

Like any legal process, bifurcation has its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you decide if a bifurcated divorce is the right option.

Benefits of Bifurcated Divorce

Legal Separation: 

It allows both parties to move on with their lives independently, legally ending their marriage while continuing to resolve other issues.

Expedited Process: 

Bifurcation can expedite divorce, allowing individuals to achieve legal freedom sooner.


Offers flexibility in addressing complex issues at a later time without delaying the dissolution of the marriage.

Financial Planning: 

It can provide financial benefits, such as altering tax status or addressing immediate financial needs.

Challenges of Bifurcated Divorce

Ongoing Legal Battles: 

While the marriage is legally dissolved, unresolved issues such as property division and custody can lead to prolonged legal disputes.

Increased Costs: 

Handling the divorce in two separate phases can increase legal fees and court costs.

Emotional Strain: 

Continuing to litigate unresolved issues after the marriage is dissolved can prolong emotional distress.


Bifurcated divorces can be more complex, requiring skilled legal representation to navigate the process effectively.

How The San Diego Bifurcated Divorce Attorneys at Garwood Reeves Can Help You Today

If you’re considering a bifurcated divorce in San Diego, having an experienced attorney by your side is essential. The legal team at Garwood Reeves is here to guide you through every step of the process. We will help you understand your options, file legal documents, and represent your interests in court.

Our attorneys are well-versed in the nuances of California divorce law, including bifurcation. We’ll work with you to develop a strategy that meets your needs and helps you achieve your goals. Whether you want to remarry, resolve financial issues, or simply move on with your life, we’re here to support you.

How Do I Ask For a Bifurcated Divorce?

Requesting a bifurcated divorce involves filing a motion with the court. This motion, often referred to as a motion to bifurcate, outlines the reasons for requesting bifurcation and demonstrates that it’s in the best interests of both parties. Here’s how the process typically works:

Consult With a San Diego Bifurcated Divorce Lawyer:

Before filing, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced attorney who can assess your situation and guide you through the process.

File the Motion to Bifurcate:

Your attorney will prepare and file the motion with the court, detailing the reasons for bifurcation and addressing any potential objections from the other party.

Attend the Hearing:

Both parties will be able to present their arguments at a court hearing. The judge will then decide whether to grant the bifurcation.

Receive the Court Order:

If granted, the court will issue an order bifurcating the divorce, legally ending the marriage while reserving other issues for later resolution.

Hiring a Bifurcated Divorce Lawyer in San Diego: Why It’s Essential

Navigating the complexities of a bifurcated divorce can be challenging. Having an experienced San Diego bifurcated divorce lawyer by your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Why Choose Garwood Reeves Family Law?

Garwood Reeves Family Law offers a comprehensive range of legal services tailored to your specific needs. Our team of skilled attorneys has extensive experience handling bifurcated divorce cases, ensuring you receive the highest-quality representation.

Here’s why you should choose Garwood Reeves:

Deep Understanding of Bifurcated Divorce: 

We thoroughly understand the legal intricacies involved in bifurcated divorce proceedings.

Personalized Attention: 

We provide personalized attention to each client, addressing your unique needs and goals.

Proven Track Record: 

Our firm has a history of successful outcomes in handling bifurcated divorce cases.

Compassionate Guidance: 

We offer compassionate support throughout the entire process, helping you navigate the emotional challenges of divorce.

Skilled Negotiation: 

Our attorneys are skilled negotiators who will work tirelessly to achieve a favorable settlement for you.

Experienced Litigation: 

We are prepared to represent you in court and advocate for your rights if necessary.

Contact Us Today for a Consultation

At Garwood Reeves, we deeply understand the legal complexities involved in bifurcation. We are dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible outcome. Contact us today for a consultation and take the first step toward a brighter future.

Conditions That Must Be Met For Bifurcation

In California, certain conditions must be met before a court will grant a bifurcated divorce:

All Parties Must Agree: 

Both parties must agree to bifurcate the divorce, or the requesting party must convince the court that bifurcation is in the best interest of both parties.

Compliance With Financial Disclosure Requirements: 

Before a bifurcation can be granted, both parties must comply with the financial disclosure requirements outlined in Family Code 2337.

Resolution of Custody and Support Issues: 

Before the divorce can be bifurcated, any issues related to child custody, visitation, and support must be addressed.

Bifurcated Divorce Process in California

The bifurcated divorce process involves several steps, each of which must be carefully followed to ensure that the divorce is legally binding and that all unresolved issues are addressed.

Filing the Proof of Financial Disclosure with Your Spouse 

Before the court grants a bifurcation, both parties must file the required financial disclosure documents. These include:


Schedule of Assets and Debts


Declaration of Disclosure


Income and Expense Declaration


Declaration Regarding Service of Declaration of Disclosure

These forms ensure that both parties clearly understand each other’s financial situation, which is essential for resolving issues like property division and spousal support.

Motion For Bifurcation

A motion to bifurcate must be filed with the court to initiate the bifurcation process. This motion outlines the reasons for seeking bifurcation and addresses any potential objections. 

Forms such as FL-300 and FL-315 are commonly used in this process.

Submit Judgment Forms

Once the court grants the bifurcation, judgment forms must be submitted to finalize the divorce. These include:

  • FL-180: Judgment
  • FL-347: Bifurcation of Status of Marriage or Domestic Partnership

These forms legally terminate the marriage, while unresolved issues are reserved for future resolution.

Can you Reverse a Bifurcation Divorce in San Diego?

Once a bifurcated divorce is granted, reversing it can be challenging. Generally, the court’s decision to bifurcate the divorce is final, especially if both parties agree. 

However, in certain circumstances, such as fraud or misrepresentation, it may be possible to request that the court reconsider its decision.

Suppose you’re concerned about the implications of a bifurcated divorce. In that case, it’s essential to consult with a knowledgeable San Diego bifurcated divorce lawyer who can help you understand your options and protect your interests.

Bifurcated Divorce Lawyer FAQs

How does a bifurcated divorce affect property division?

In a bifurcated divorce, property division is reserved for future resolution. This means that while the marriage is legally terminated, the division of assets and debts will be addressed separately. This can be beneficial if you and your spouse need more time to negotiate or gather information about your finances.

Can both parties agree to a bifurcated divorce?

Yes, both parties can agree to a bifurcated divorce. Mutual agreement often simplifies the process and increases the court’s likelihood of granting the bifurcation. If both parties agree, it can streamline the proceedings and potentially reduce legal costs.

How long does it take to complete a bifurcated divorce?

The timeline for a bifurcated divorce can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The complexity of the case: The process may take longer if there are complex financial issues or custody disputes.
  • Cooperation between the parties: The process can be expedited if both parties are cooperative and willing to work towards a resolution.
  • Court delays: Court backlogs and scheduling can also impact the timeline.

While a bifurcated divorce can often be completed more quickly than a traditional divorce, consulting with an attorney for a more accurate estimate is essential.

How does a court decide whether to grant a bifurcated divorce?

A court will consider several factors when deciding whether to grant a bifurcated divorce, including:

  • The agreement of both parties: If both parties agree to a bifurcated divorce, the court is more likely to grant it.
  • The complexity of the case: If the case involves complex financial issues or custody disputes, the court may be less likely to grant a bifurcation.
  • The best interests of any children involved: The court will always prioritize the best interests of the children when making divorce decisions.
  • Other relevant factors: The court may also consider other factors, such as the reasons for seeking a bifurcated divorce and this approach’s potential benefits or drawbacks.

Contact the San Diego Bifurcated Divorce Lawyer at Garwood Reeves for a Consultation Today!

Navigating the complexities of a bifurcated divorce can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Garwood Reeves, our experienced team is here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring that your rights are protected and your interests are represented. 

Whether you’re considering a bifurcated divorce or need help resolving other divorce-related issues, we’re here to help.

Contact us today for a consultation and take the first step toward securing your future. Let the experts at Garwood Reeves handle the legal complexities so you can focus on moving forward with your life.